Open Letter to Jim Parsons

Fri Jan 08, 2016 | 06:00am

Dear Jim (or, as I prefer, Shelly),

Pardon the angry content, but I had to write as you have cast a dull sadness on my view of one of the more brilliant actors/presenters I have seen in my 73 years.

To see you giving even the tiniest credibility to the fraud Theresa Caputo, (The Long Island Medium), caused a wave of anger and sadness to pass through me that I can’t entirely shake. How many John Edwards must we endure before their hoax is seen for what it is? A contemptible preying upon people’s grief and sadness — for profit.

Let me for a moment accept that Caputo can touch something in you that releases well-being and bliss from within your subconscious. In that acceptance I will add that I can do the same for you. Your neighbor can do the same. And, far more importantly, so can you. You, we all, have the ability to reach those parts of our selves that can bring about cleansing and healing.

I am not suggesting that we might not or do not need help with this process. But to swallow the fraud of the Edwards and Caputos of the world is to step back into the dark ages of human intuition, sentiment, and intellect.

If you are truly accepting of Caputo, I simply remind you of the strength you already have within you — you, me, and all humanity.

If on the other hand you are part of her show for profit, shame on you.

(Jim Parsons stars as the character Sheldon Cooper on TV’s The Big Bang Theory.)

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