Sentenced in June to a year in jail for fatally torturing his 6-month-old Miniature Pinscher puppy and choking his girlfriend, former SBCC student Duanying Chen was released Friday morning from County Jail and immediately placed into U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody, said Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Kelly Hoover.
Chen, a 20-year-old Chinese exchange student at the time of his crimes back in May 2014, had been studying at SBCC on a student visa. He had an ICE detainer in place upon his “time-served release date,” which was set for December 20, 2015, said Hoover. Chen was transported to an ICE processing facility after his release at approximately 10:30 a.m. on Friday.
Last month, the nonprofit Davey’s Voice — formed in response to Chen’s abuse of puppy Davey — delivered a petition with over 11,849 signatures to Sheriff Bill Brown. The petition protested Chen’s proposed early-release from jail, demanded his participation in the county’s Batterers’ Intervention Program, and called for his immediate deportation by ICE upon his release.