Is Donald Trump presidential material? Should we trust him with presidency of our nation? Should we have confidence in him as the Commander in Chief of our military? Does he have a real understanding of the presidency and its responsibilities and constitutional powers? Specifically what are his qualifications to be President? Does he really possess the needed leadership qualities, especially the ability and temperament to work with others to understand and resolve the great issues facing our nation?
Does he come across as a generalizing, uninformed, egotistical, blowhard? Does it seem that anyone who does not agree with him is stupid, or a clown, or a loser, or a dummy or incompetent, or not his mental equal, or is out to get him? Is he prone to the unthinking, immature personal insult and negative innuendo as to those he does not like or whom he perceives as not being nice to him?
Specifically what are his understandings and solutions as to our growing national debt, now $18.4 trillion; $124.5 trillion in congressional unfunded mandates; economic growth and job creation; education; decaying infrastructure; climate change and global warming; national security threats from Russia, China, North Korea, and cyber warfare from them; the radical Islamic movement, which includes ISIS, and Iran’s nuclear weapons goal? Is he really a person we can trust for our people and nation’s survival?