The sound and film crowing by some very stupid Planned Parenthood people about abortion and fetuses has been a disaster for PP, and they should be fired if they are on the payroll. They have allowed the onslaught against PP to become a pitched battle.
The latest lie-filled assault on Planned Parenthood by Carly Fiorina prompted this letter. Carly Fiorina is a nasty, mean-spirited, and dislikeable woman. I agree with Trump on her face; it is grotesque from too many lousy face jobs. She looked better while she was destroying HP, when she was just homely!
If the same vultures in the Congress who are so vocal against PP did their jobs by providing accessible and affordable or free full health-care to those who need it, millions of our population, there would be no need for Planned Parenthood to even exist. The same idiots, some of whom are running for the Republican presidential nomination, who do not want free or even paid birth control provided are the same people who are against abortion! Give me a break!
The supporters of Planned Parenthood, the national organization, and local chapters have not done their jobs in explaining that abortions are only a small percentage of PP services. They have failed to publicize that the reproductive health, maternal, child health, and general health services that PP provides to not only women but men, as well, is at least 95 percent of what they do. Without these services, many of PP’s clients and/or their babies would die!
PP and its supporters have allowed themselves to be drowned out by the far right!
Locally, Mayor Helene Schneider, a former PP executive and those others on the Santa Barbara City Council and other local elected officials who support PP and our local media have all not done their jobs!