I am full of hope that our most compassionate Governor Jerry Brown will soon sign the End of Life Option Act, so that no one will ever have to endure the excruciating pain my mother had at the end of her life. She begged the doctor to help her die, but here in California the doctor couldn’t help her. And that was 25 years ago. Hopefully those who are facing a painful dying process will soon have the peace of mind that Oregonians have had for 17 years.
I wish reporters who write about Oregon’s law would understand that those who ask for medication to help shorten the dying process are not suicidal. Over a third of the terminal patients who request this medication, never take it! They don’t want to die. They want the peace of mind to know that if the pain becomes intolerable, they will have help.
The decision of asking for help is made by the patient, her family and the doctors. It should never be denied by elected officials who personally don’t want someone to have that choice. It’s not their choice. When 76 percent of Californians want to have a choice to ask for help if they need it, we here should not have to move to Oregon!!!
Thank you, Governor Brown, for listening to our pleas for compassion at the end of life.