The research on Critical Societies states:
“The world is filled with superficiality, prejudice, bias, distortions, lies, deception, manipulation, short sightedness, close-mindedness … Yet humans have great capacity for rationality and reasonability. The history of human accomplishments, achievements and contributions well documents this fact. … [W]hat comes first in terms of human tendencies, and often takes precedence, is an orientation focused on self-gratification, self-interest, self-protection. This perspective is innate … [s]till it leads to many problems and ultimately stands as a barrier to the development of fair minded critical societies.”
A group of Solvang School staff would like to present a fair-minded, objective statement of support for our Superintendent Dr. John Karbula.
In today’s ever-changing global society that places education and student performance at the forefront, the role of a school administrator has vastly increased in its demands. Solvang School has had five administrators in the past 10 years. Research states that Principal/Superintendent turnover adversely impacts schools.
Dr. Karbula has successfully implemented improvements at Solvang School in just two and a half years as superintendent. He has improved teacher professional development, student academic measures, school finances, salary increases, student safety, and character development.
We implore the School Board, parents, and community to please support our school in keeping the focus on our school’s success and achievements, and to work together as a school community, giving Dr. Karbula credit for his dedication, hard work, and capability in improving Solvang School and impacting student achievement.