“When I design a product,” said Sam Guzmán, “I want to be able to show it in its own context as well as have it available to the public.”
Guzmán is the owner and creator of Stabiles, a mobile Santa Barbara boutique that sells sustainable products hand-crafted by small batch artisans. Guzmán began the project a year and a half ago with his own candle and air plant stands, but quickly branched out into showcasing other artists in a boutique that can go anywhere. The truck, which took him two months to design and build, can usually be found around Santa Barbara, but he’s also traveled to San Francisco, Los Angeles, and elsewhere. ”Part of the experience of this is the serendipity,” said Guzmán. “It’s still so new that people are excited when they find us!”
To learn where Stabiles will be next, see StabilesSantaBarbara.com.