The proposals to eliminate historical eastern-side pedestrian access on Mission Canyon Road and Los Olivos, to build a new pedestrian bridge on the west side of Mission Creek from the existing historic stone bridge, to straighten and widen Mission Canyon Road, and to alter historic walls dating from the 1800s should be opposed.
The Mission Canyon corridor is protected by many scenic and historic ordinances at the local, state, and national levels. To transform this area would be a mistake.
Under the new plan, it wouldn’t be possible to walk from Rocky Nook Park to the Rose Garden on the eastern side of Mission Canyon Road and Los Olivos any longer. Far more people walk on the eastern side than wish to walk from the Mission to the Museum of Natural History, but eastern-side pedestrian access for locals and visitors would be lost.
The proposed single-span, steel bridge would be very prominent adjacent to the historic stone bridge. The stone bridge is protected by existing and pending historic designations, as are historic walls also dating to the 1800s. An alternative to the current plan should be developed.