Isla Vista Arson Fire Investigated

Mon Dec 01, 2014 | 12:00pm

The UCSB Fire Marshal and the county arson task force is investigating a trash fire that occurred outside the entrance to the Isla Vista Theater at about 2 a.m. on Monday morning. The trash bins are made of metal and a plastic that is very flammable, said UCSB Police Sgt. Robert Romero, and the fire was quickly doused by County Fire. Romero added that the investigation is ongoing; he could not say what caused the fire or how high the flames were. The UCSB Police Department will be reviewing the footage captured by a nearby surveillance camera. The fire caused light damage to the building, including to an 8′-by-8′ support beam and a ticket office window, but the theater was open Monday morning for 8 a.m. classes.

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