Nick Welsh wrote yet another of his incisive, excellent investigative reports on the mayor’s possible conflict of interes in the 101 Highway widening project story on page 21. Did he then take a dog nap while a strange dog ate his homework? Because by page 23, the surly Poodle bit the good guys and gals while Nick slept. Instead of one of Nick’s first-rate preelection reports about where the outside big money really came from, this Poodle not only called the supporters of Measure P “fools” and “do-gooders,” but somehow this strange Poodle tried to blame them for endangering the Democrats in a low turn-out election. Halfway through the rant against the supporters of P, Nick woke up, kicked out the strange canine, and wrote a stirring denunciation of the oil industry. (Okay, he forgot to proofread the first half!).
One big question remains unanswered. Which Poodle, if any, had a hand in writing Indy’s “no” on P?
If you smell a rat, find a smart cat,