Yes, Virginia, there is fracking in Santa Barbara County. Your little friends in the oil industry are wrong.
Contrary to their anti-Measure P propaganda, fracking is legal in our county, and they know it. Oil companies have fracked in the past, and they still can apply for permits now. P&D staff will process these fracking applications, and if three county supervisors vote “yes,” it will happen again.
Their endlessly repeated slogan that “there is no fracking” is a carefully crafted half-truth designed to mislead voters. They are deliberately trying to give the false impression that it is not allowed and cannot happen. Sometimes they are so disrespectful of the truth that they come right out and falsely say that fracking is prohibited.
Measure P is based on the truth that fracking is allowed in Santa Barbara County, and Measure P gives the public the right to stop this extreme oil extraction process before the problems that have affected so many others happen here.
Don’t know who to believe? Call County Planning & Development at 568-2000 and ask them if fracking is prohibited or allowed by the ordinances in Santa Barbara County today.
The out-of-town oil industry reportedly is spending over five million dollars broadcasting disingenuous statements like this one in their attempt to trick the public into voting against its own best interests.
Ben Franklin said, “Half a truth is often a great lie.” Let’s not be fooled.
To protect the public’s interest in clean air and water, vote “yes” on Measure P.