For almost six years I have volunteered at our local Humane Society; while there, I decided to become a student at Animal Behavior college. One of the reasons I did is because many owners relinquish their dogs because of obedience problems. They get frustrated or don’t have the time or knowledge to take care of the problem.
I just want to say it’s not hard to teach owner and dog ways to get the dog to behave. With patience, time, and consistency, you don’t have to give up your dog — and training can be done at a low cost. Just find a local certified dog trainer, and they can help.
If I can keep one dog from being relinquished to a shelter, I’ll be happy.
But I’ll add that not all dogs are in shelters because of obedience problems — most all of them are adoptable. The lower the shelter population the better. The last word — spay and neuter your pets.