In regard to the Avila Beach nuclear reactor, it is important to note that under the Price-Anderson Act, PG&E is allowed to do business basically without liability insurance — perchance something went horribly wrong. What is even scarier is that all of our homeowners policies exclude events of radioactive containment loss from nuclear reactors like Diablo Canyon.
Almost all of us will live through even the biggest quake that nature has to offer … our prime property values will still remain. To re-plan and rebuild our cities and towns perhaps from scratch might very well be a golden opportunity.
The last thing any of us want is the sickening feeling after a quake beyond normal when we wonder to ourselves if the aged nuclear reactor up the coast in Avila Beach might perhaps be melting down. With no means of escape for our loved ones and families, on broken freeways, with a million others intent on escape — good luck with that.
How about we “pull the cork” on the Diablo Canyon nuclear reactor? That way we can tend to our neighbors’ injuries in the aftermath of a monster quake, pour ourselves a stiff drink, and say hallelujah!
Write or call your regional representatives, and simply say “pull the plug.”