Mission Historical Park is one of the most significant locations of historical structures in Santa Barbara County. Some of the ruins in this area date back to 1806, before the current mission was built in 1820. It is crucial that this historical site is maintained and respected.
There is currently a proposal for a new, modern, free-standing pedestrian bridge to be built on the west side of the existing stone bridge over Mission Creek that was constructed in the 19th century. In addition, existing historical stone walls in the vicinity would be moved and significantly altered. Mission Canyon Road would be moved 10-15 feet to the east, at a combined project cost of millions of dollars.
The idea of radically changing some of the most historical and significant features in our area is as dismaying as it is horrifying. Santa Barbara is world famous for its architecture and historical preservation, as well as natural beauty. It is incomprehensible that the new bridge project could even be considered.
Local elected officials should strongly oppose this destructive Mission Canyon project. It is imperative to preserve this important part of our area’s history and Mission Creek.