California has the strongest protections in the nation regulating oil production. The regulations were strengthened last year under Senate Bill 4, a law signed by Governor Brown. SB 4’s implementation is already underway, but some out-of-touch special interests want to undermine those protections and jeopardize the quality of life on the Central Coast.
This November, Santa Barbara County voters will decide on Measure P. This misguided proposal will kill local jobs, resulting in the loss of much-needed local tax revenue. A loss of those tax dollars will jeopardize Santa Barbara government’s ability to fund neighborhood libraries, parks, schools, police, and fire services.
In 2012, in Santa Barbara County alone, the oil and gas industry contributed to more than 6,300 jobs, worth more than $502 million in labor income. A UC Santa Barbara economic impact study found that land-based production alone contributes $291 million in economic benefits to Santa Barbara County each year. This economic activity generates significant tax dollars the county simply cannot afford to lose.
Measure P proponents have successfully employed scare tactics by misleading the public into believing this far-reaching ballot initiative only targets hydraulic fracturing. The fact is, they’re turning a highly regulated production technique into a boogey-man simply as a ploy to stop all production in the region.
Energy bans will force California to rely more heavily on imported oil, which will come from other countries and states without the same strong safety standards as in Santa Barbara. SB 4 already requires a scientific study of hydraulic fracturing, a comprehensive environmental impact report, public disclosure of chemicals used, well testing, groundwater monitoring, and prior notification of land owners.
This week, state regulators will be in Santa Maria taking public comment about SB 4. We hope you’ll join us in letting state officials know that these regulations are a solid step forward in securing energy independence and will help provide reliable, affordable domestically produced energy to all Californians.
Founded in 1980, the National Association of Royalty Owners is the only national organization representing solely, and without compromise, oil and gas royalty owners’ interests.