Taking Responsibility Cuts Two Ways

Wed Jun 04, 2014 | 10:00am

I know of no employer that requires an employee to drink alcoholic beverages as part of his or her duties. Most prohibit or discourage it. Whether Morua was representing Congressmember Capps or not is irrelevant. He alone made the decision to drink when he knew he had a problem with alcohol. The family should, indeed, sue Morua for the wrongful death of Mallory Dies, but neither Congress nor Lois Capps was responsible for his bad decisions and behavior.

Americans who go to war nowadays do so as volunteers. Ample movies have been made about PTSD and war. Veterans for Peace has been demonstrating this cost of war for decades, and before they did, the Vietnam Veterans Against the War did the same. Nobody is drafted. More than half the casualties in the Vietnam War were draftees. Maybe Morua should also take responsibility for that decision as well.

Rowland Lane Anderson was a longtime Santa Barbara resident and veterans activist. He’s a lifetime member of Disabled American Veterans, Vietnam Veterans of America, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Veterans for Peace.

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