Union Bank, N.A., in partnership with NewsChannel 3, the City of Solvang, Iron Mountain, Community Environmental Council, Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office and Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians, will sponsor another free Community Shred Day in Solvang.
Items that can be shred:
All types of paper, any color (no need to remove staples, paper clips or rubber bands)
File folders, any color
Three “banker box” containers (or equivalent) maximum per vehicle
Not able to accept cardboard, common trash, hazardous materials, plastics or metals, CDs, DVDs or binders.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
5 – 7 p.m.
Event will be held rain or shine
Solvang Veterans Hall, 1745 Mission Drive, Solvang, CA 93463
This is the third year that Union Bank has led the Community Shred Day. As a responsible bank, Union Bank is committed to supporting local communities, and Shred Day is a great event where the public can safely discard – at no cost – important documents, help reduce the risk of identity theft and keep tons of materials out of the landfill.