Celebrate Purim at a special event for the whole family on Sunday, March 9 from 2-4 pm at the Bronfman Family Jewish Community Center, 524 Chapala Street.
Sponsored by Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara, the event will feature a costume parade for kids, colorful mask decorating, noisy grogger creations, story time, movement games, a prize drawing, and make-your-own hamentaschen! Bring a donation to the Unity Shoppe food drive and get a free prize-drawing ticket; additional tickets will be available to purchase for $5/ticket at the event.
The festival of Purim commemorates the survival of the Jewish people in ancient Persia from Haman’s plot to destroy them. It is celebrated with readings of the megillah (the book of Esther), costumes, a festive party, giving gifts of food to friends, and giving gifts of food and money to the poor (matanot la’evyonim).
In the spirit of matanot la’evyonim, the Federation will host a food drive for the in collaboration with the Federation’s Women’s Division, which will be distributed to the needy within our community. High-priority items include matzah and matzah meal, gefilte fish, tuna fish, canned fruit, apple sauce, grape juice, jam, macaroons, boxed soup, and side dishes. Please make sure all items are marked “Kosher for Passover.”
The event is open to all and free of charge. RSVPs are requested but not required. To RSVP, call (805) 957-1115 or visit http://www.jewishsantabarbara.org/children-family.aspx.
More info and RSVPs: hchadwin@sbjf.org or 805-957-1116 x109.