Young Invincibles’ Statement on Covered California’s October Numbers
Over 30,000 Californians Have Already Enrolled in Health Plans Set to Begin Coverage in January 2014
According to a report from Covered California, 30,830 Californians have enrolled in private health plans using from October 1st to November 1st. About one in four of those who enrolled were young adults age 18 to 34.
Linda Leu, California Policy and Research Director at Young Invincibles, released the following statement on today’s announcement:
“Today Covered California announced that 30,830 Californians were able to enroll successfully during the first month of open enrollment. Young Invincibles is especially excited that about one in four of the new enrollees are young adults, showing that young adults are engaged and excited about their new options even at this very early stage in the enrollment process. We learned from the Massachusetts experience with health insurance reform that enrollment numbers will continue to grow as consumers learn more about their various options and as we get closer to the deadline—March 31, 2014. We will continue to work to make sure that young people are getting the information they need about their new coverage options, and that they are enrolling successfully.”
“With 31 percent of young Californians lacking insurance, the Affordable Care Act could truly improve the lives of millions of young adults in California alone. Young adults throughout the state have told us that they want health insurance, but simply have not been able to afford it. Thanks to the provisions of the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid expansion in California, millions of young Californians will have access to quality and affordable health options. We are excited that young people are exploring their new options, and we look forward to continuing our outreach efforts here in California.”