Halloween Extravaganza Huge Success!

Sat Nov 09, 2013 | 03:43pm

Calle Real Center hosts zombies, superheroes and pretty ballerinas at their Halloween Extravaganza.

Once again the Calle Real Center merchants hosted a safe and sane trick or treat fest for the community. Children and adults alike turned out in everything from Groucho Glasses and a cigar (he wasn’t even trying) to an ornate hand sewn costume of Link from the Legend of Zelda, including painstakingly constructed sword and shield. Many costumed adults accompanied the children store to store collecting candy and other goodies all afternoon. But free candy wasn’t all that was offered – there were two face painters provided by Tea in Tiaras, a holiday train Ride provided By AMS entertainment, bounce houses from SB jumps, a balloon guy and a spooky “Tunnel of Living Terrors” provided by the Pet House.

While many of the merchants did a great job decorating, nobody holds a candle to Julia and Ilene at Baroness Jewelers. Their extravagant Halloween display converts their storefront into a delightfully scary witche’s workshop including a boiling cauldron of smoking witches stew

AMR ambulance and County Fire were kind enough to participate and the kids love climbing into the truck and peering into the ambulance. They even got to see our first responders in action as a call came in mid afternoon and the fire truck raced off to do their first responder magic. They returned about 30 minutes later and got right back into the Halloween fun

It is estimated that there were well over 1000 parents and kids attending and high praise was given to the Calle Real Center for continuing to host this family friendly, free and fun event

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