Really?! For one, house cats have not been running around like Born Free for thousands of years in Santa Barbara or anywhere in North America for that matter. This simple fact betrays the ignorance of our cuddly pet-centric nihilists spouting their stupidity.
If one really wants to know what happens when house cats go feral (neutered or not), Google search the feral cats of Jerusalem. That city has looked realistically at its “problem.” Back here in the U.S.A. for far less than 1,000 years we’ve managed to subdue this continent through campaigns of genocide, biocide, and other culturally sanctioned ways of wringing profits from the Earth at the expense of the natural world. We have driven all manner of living things to the brink of extinction and many over that edge. All this is being done still to this moment by the implementation of our ignorance of the natural world.
The species directly affected by the presence of cats (domestic or feral or in between) are horned lizards, tarantulas, side-blotched and alligator lizard as well as shrews, voles, and ground-nesting birds. House cats the world over are known as the most dangerous threat to songbirds, and the reality is that they are a detriment to all life-forms subjected to their relentless and efficient method of killing. By overprotecting our own fluffy needs to coddle and cuddle we perpetrate and further our disconnect from the needs of our local environment and empower the hastening of our destructiveness as bankrupt caretakers of the Earth. This town is filled with people who would rather talk about their dogs and cats than tune into the ever-present song of the birds outside their comfort zones. We’ve got our priorities out of whack. As long as we subscribe to this depraved, ignorant model of native illiteracy, this overblown sentimentality of cuddliness and pet-centrism, we will continue to march off the precipice of extinction and not even realize what we are doing. Wake up and smell the dog and cat piss.