The Knox School of Santa Barbara
A new resource for gifted and talented students from K through 8th grade opened its doors to families on Tuesday September 3rd. The Knox School of Santa Barbara offers a curriculum and program specifically designed for the gifted learner, which honors both the intellectual and academic needs of these children, as well as the equally important, and often overlooked, social and emotional needs of this unique population.
Gifted children require a unique educational setting to retain the joy of learning and the opportunity to maximize their potential. Teachers conversant with the gifted population’s characteristics provide a nurturing atmosphere where both strengths and challenges are understood and respected, and it is safe for students to discover and reveal who they really are. Only as these needs are met will gifted learners be able to develop to the highest levels of their academic and human potential.
The School, which is situated on the campus of the Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara at 1525 Santa Barbara St., lies next to one of the city’s most beautiful areas, Alice Keck Park Memorial Gardens, often called the “crown jewel” of city parks. Nearby Alameda Park and Kid’s World offer additional ideal venues for hands-on learning, physical exercise, and exploration.
Please visit the website for more information on The Knox School of Santa Barbara’s curriculum and educational approach.
(805) 222-0107