The pundits agree that in 2016, Hillary Rodham Clinton will become president of the United States, barring some unimaginable event. This will be due in large part to the increasingly active role of Hispanics in politics. The stance of the Republican Party on the immigration reform bill will increase even further the present heavy Hispanic vote for Democrats. Defeat of the bill will damage the economic interests of Hispanics. And the open hostility of Republicans to providing Hispanics with a pathway to citizenship is an insult Hispanics will neither forgive nor forget.
Ironically, Hillary may become both the first woman president, and the last Anglo president of either gender. The rapidity with which Hispanics are gaining dominant positions at all levels of government could very well lead to their choice of the president in 2020.
How soon can we hope to see portraits of Benito Juarez – patriot, populist, and hero – hanging alongside portraits of Lincoln and TR?