On Thursday, July 11th, the City of Santa Barbara Creeks Division and Santa Barbara Channelkeeper are teaming up with Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures to host a beach clean-up celebrating the release of the film “Pacific Rim,” hitting theaters on Friday, July 12th.
The clean-up will take place at East Beach near the Mission Creek Lagoon and Stearns Wharf, from 8am-10am. Simultaneous beach clean-ups are also taking place in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, San Diego, Huntington Beach, Vancouver, and Honolulu! Beach clean-ups provide a great opportunity for community members to help protect our ocean and beautify coastal areas.
Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures, Legendary Pictures, and RealD, the first 100 volunteers will receive a special “Pacific Rim” t-shirt and movie passes to see the film in 3D on opening weekend, as well as other prizes! Rincon Broadcasting radio station 99.9 KTYD will also be at the event broadcasting live.
Bags and gloves will be provided. Volunteers are encouraged to wear sturdy shoes and sun protection.
Contact: Liz Smith, Creeks Outreach Coordinator
Phone: (805) 897-2606
Email: LSmith@SantaBarbaraCA.gov