Defensible Space Inspections

Tue Apr 23, 2013 | 06:35pm

On May first, The Santa Barbara County Fire Department will begin defensible space inspections. Engine companies will perform inspections and provide homeowners with an inspection form and educational documentation on how to comply.

The Santa Barbara County Fire Department reminds people that defensible space is the area around a structure free of flammable plants and objects that creates a zone in which firefighters can operate safely in order to help protect a home during a wildfire. This space is wide enough to prevent direct flame impingement and reduce the amount of radiant heat reaching the structure. The defensible space for each structure varies and depends on the type of vegetation and topography. Maintaining this defensible space is critical in the event of a wildfire.

The Ready! Set! Go! Program was launched in May 2009 as a new approach to educating Southern California residents about the now year-round threat of wildfire. This public education program seeks to gain active public involvement in reducing life and property loss caused by wildfires.

This program is presented in three steps:

Ready! Prepare yourself, your family and your property.

Set! Monitor fire weather / activity and prepare to evacuate.

Go! Leave early when directed to by public safety officials.

To learn more about Ready! Set! Go! please visit .

The defensible space around your home and the maintenance of the defensible space is critical in stopping a wildfire before it destroys your home. “Defensible space is part of every homeowner’s responsibility.”

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