This is an opportunity for those who have accumulated unwanted, unused prescription drugs, to safely dispose of those medications.
Studies show that the majority of teens who abuse prescription drugs obtain them from family and friends for free, including from the home medicine cabinet. Many citizens simply do not know how to properly dispose of their unused or expired medicine, often flushing it down the toilet or throwing it away. These methods can pose both safety and environmental hazards.
In the five previous Take-Back events the DEA, in conjunction with state, local, and tribal law enforcement partners, collected more than 2 million pounds (1,018 tons) of prescription medications and removed them from circulation. During the last event in Santa Barbara 18 garbage bags full of prescription medications were collected in four hours.
The collection location in the City of Santa Barbara will be at the La Cumbre Plaza Mall, 121 S. Hope Avenue. Beat Coordinator Officer Jonathan Reyes will be there and will have collection boxes setup between Starbuck’s and the center court fountain for this free service. Everyone is invited to stop by, to chat with Officer Reyes, and to deposit unwanted medications for safe destruction.