Thanks, Nick Welsh, for last week’s Poodle about Cheney‘s key role in the instigation of the Iraq War. And now he’ll be moving to our quaint town – a sobering thought. Dick, maybe “We’ll leave you alone here”, as Nick suggests, but I hope your conscience (assuming you have one, which is probably a foolish assumption) will never ever let you rest and that not even your walled and gated mega-villa will grant you respite.
Perhaps you’ll be chauffeured to Sterns Wharf some sunny Sunday and through the tinted glass of your armored limo will spy the gleaming crosses of Arlington West. Will you connect that sight with the fact that all the fallen symbolically lying there – and so many thousands more – died untimely deaths due to your vicious world view, inhumane greed, and tenacious cruelty? May our peaceful place not let you live the peaceful life which you destroyed for countless others.