Creek Week Logo Contest Open for Submissions
Creek Week is an annual community event coordinated by the City of Santa Barbara Creeks Division, County Project Clean Water, the City of Goleta, and the City of Carpinteria, with fun and educational events planned and hosted by many community groups and environmental organizations.
This year, artists of all ages are invited to submit designs for a Creek Week logo! The winning logo will be used for all Creek Week promotional materials. Designs are due Friday, April 5th at 5pm. The winning entry will be announced at the Earth Day Festival on Saturday, April 20th, and the winner will receive a $100 gift card to Art Essentials, and a Creek Week t-shirt featuring their logo.
Contest details and submission guidelines can be found online at
For additional information, please contact one of the agency representatives below:
Liz Smith
City of Santa Barbara
Creeks Outreach Coordinator
(805) 897-2606