About Pacific Gray Whales:
Every year, over 20,000 Pacific Gray Whales migrate through the Santa Barbara Channel on their way to and from the warm lagoons of lower Baja California, Mexico. Gray Whale spouts can reach up to 15 feet. The whales eat very little food during the migration. Males can reach up to 45’ in length and females up to 50’, weighing 30 to 35 tons. Tails can span up to 10’ wide. Gray y travel up over 10,000 miles annually. Newborn whales are 15’ long at birth and weigh about 2,000 pounds.
Captain Mat Curto reports” We are seeing a growing number of south bound Grays each day since the migrations started a few weeks ago. Its this time of year that the Gray whales pass close to our coastline The good weather also makes locating the migration a lot easier . Entertainment is also provided by Risso’s dolphins, long-beaked common dolphins, short-beaked common dolphins, California sea lions and a occasional Killer Whale.
Rates for the half-day trips aboard the Condor Express are $89 for adults, and $50 for children 12 and under. Advance reservations are advised and can be made at sea landing 805-882-088.