This extraordinary “school within a school” thrives under the direction of teacher Amir Abo-Shaeer, whose charismatic leadership, vision, and dedication to teaching has earned him international acclaim and a MacArthur Foundation “genius” award.
What: DPEA Open House
When: Saturday October 20th from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Where: Elings Center for Engineering Education on the Dos Pueblos High School Campus (Goleta, California)
We offer this open house so that the public can see our facility and learn more about our program in an informal setting. Students and teachers will be on hand to answer questions and demonstrate Team 1717’s robots.
Please join us and share our vision for transforming education! An RSVP is not necessary.
To learn more about the event, click here
You can learn more about the Dos Pueblos Engineering Academy at the following websites: