Established in Memphis in 1987, Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) programs educate and prepare law enforcement professionals deal effectively with people with severe mental illnesses.
CIT has been credited with preventing officer injuries, reducing recidivism by mental health consumers, strengthening relationships between law enforcement and mental health care providers and lessening the demand on emergency medical and psychiatric services.
The three-day program will educate police officers and other first responders in a variety of topics, including mental health disorders, medications, crisis negotiation, dual diagnosis and substance abuse, safety, suicide prevention and consumer and family perspectives. Dr. Joel Fay, a psychologist and retired police officer who served with the San Rafael Police Department between 1975 and 2001, will also share his unique perspective on a number of critical issues.
“We appreciate the strong support of law enforcement agencies throughout Santa Barbara County in working with us to ensure compassionate treatment of individuals with mental illness,” notes Ann Detrick, Ph.D., ADMHS Director.
For more information, please call 681-5220.