What is measure Y? Well, it’s a lie! The people of Santa Barbara received a flyer in the mail asking them to vote yes on Y because, the flyer states, it will make getting to the beach safer and clean up the creeks in the process. What it failed to say is the persons behind Y are developers who want to build 25 homes. The only way they can access the area of development is with a new traffic bridge over existing city-owned parkland. It also states that no tax dollars will be used but our tax dollars bought the land originally. Let’s be clear about this. The developer wants to do a creek restoration so he can build 25 homes. He will have to destroy a very delicate ecosystem in order to build these homes and will be polluting the creek and neighborhood in the process. Too much pollution currently exists in the Arroyo Burro Creek, so remember what you are voting for. Not a creek restoration, not a safe beach access, but a bridge to allow development of 25 homes. – Elaine Bowie, Santa Barbara
Wake up Santa Barbarians! You can’t give away city parkland to a developer who will thrash Arroyo Burro Creek and pass off worthless landslide-prone property calling it “open space.” Watch out for the slick Veronica Meadows brochure that fails to print one word about the 25 houses they hope to cash in on big time. Santa Barbara should be above this scam. We expect more of you. – Judee Hauer, Ventura