Harbor Tastings and Treasures: Benefit for S.B. Maritime Museum with chefs, wineries, and more. Sat., Feb. 25, 5-8pm; $100; S.B. Maritime Museum, 113 Harbor Way, #119. Call (805) 962-8404 x102.
Frank Crandall Remembered: Celebration of the life of the owner of Renegade Wines, who died in December. Sun., Feb. 26, 3pm sharp -6pm; Carr Winery, 414 N. Salsipuedes St.
Just Desserts: Sweet wines, chocolates, and desserts to benefit Just Communities. Sun., Feb. 26, 3-6 p.m.; $45-$55; Milk & Honey Farm, 1105 More Ranch Rd., Goleta. Visit just-communities.org.