Less War, More Infrastructure

Fri Feb 10, 2012 | 05:30am

Open letter to Rep. Lois Capps: Thank you for being among the first members of the House to show your support for the earlier removal of combat troops from Afghanistan than originally planned. It is refreshing to hear Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and President Obama talk of less war and involvement in an area that has cost both nations so many lives and injuries, and our nation so many resources that are desperately needed within our own borders.

Peace benefits everyone while war benefits only the weapons-makers and a minority within the armed forces and civilian population. Let’s rebuild our nation, both its broken infrastructure and its diminished stature, with the same energy and commitment that we’ve devoted to war-making in the past decade. Nothing makes more sense.

Lori and I appreciate all the work you do for your constituents and for the nation.

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