There is a vote in the California State Senate on Health Care for All tomorrow, and just two more votes are needed for passage. Four Democrats abstained from voting. We could turn them around if you decide to OccupySacramento and get insurance corporations out of health care!
Call these four California senators now, and urge them to vote for Healthcare for All. And call/email your friends, too.
Ca. Sen. Juan Vargas,, 916 651-4040
Ca. Sen. Alex Padilla,, 916 651-4020
Ca. Sen. Rodrick Wright ,, 916 651-4025
Ca. Sen. Michael Rubio,, 916 651-4016
The bill, Senate Bill 810, ensures primary care and preventative care to head off disease before it is too late to get well. It is comprehensive, because it not only includes short term care, like clinics, ERs, labs, etc., but it also covers holistic medicine, chiropractic, dental, and vision, and it does so without deductibles, co-pays, or added out-of-pocket costs.
If you are employed and have healthcare through your employer, your employer no longer has to go through an insurance company. This cuts your portion you pay because your employer will pay a lot less for health care. And the bill insures that those out of work, and who cannot afford health care are also covered.
California SB 810, sponsored by Mark Leno, will eliminate insurance corporations from controlling our healthcare. Think of SB 810 as Medicare for All, only stronger, without the insurance industry. Because it eliminates people profiting off of sickness, the bill will save billions of dollars. It puts doctors and nurses in charge of distributing our healthcare non-profitly.
Cutting the excess costs due to healthcare for profit means all Californians will be covered at half the cost. The bill adds no cost to the consumer, and by eliminating middle-men (middle-corporations) it will also contain the rising costs of the medical insurance industry, which reached 17% of the GDP in California.
Today, over 10,000 Californians die annually without healthcare. It is the state’s seventh leading cause of death. We pay twice the cost for half the care, because insurance companies
are paying their CEOs millions of dollars to deny care, while making corporations more money. Insurance companies like Blue Cross have tripled in value over the last 10 years, while charging exorbitant prices for health care.
As a nurse, I took an oath,”to above all else, do no harm.” Ten thousand deaths from inadequate or denied health care every year is harm. We kill more people by denying or unaffording health care than all the terrorists have killed in the Twin Towers and the Mideast wars – in one year!
Call the four state senators today or early tomorrow, as the vote of “reconsideration” will be our last chance. Thanks in advance, and occupy Sacramento!