Do you think the Veronica Meadows development project would be on the ballot, a costly June ballot we can ill afford, if Das Williams were still on the City Council? The lengths Mr. Lee has promised he will go to curry the favor of June voters in order to desecrate hallowed land, to persuade Santa Barbara to give up yet another invaluable natural habitat to build huge, high energy-consuming homes for the one percenters disgusts me.
The mountains and ocean used to be sacred to the people who lived here. Boys in my sister’s Santa Barbara High School class of 1967 used to tear down at night what they could of Bonnymede, built by the first so-called developers, who do not revere the mountains or the ocean unless they increase the price of their real estate. This was prior to the yuppie gentrification of Santa Barbara, which has ruined its seaside charm. Fie on their obsession with money. Thank you for voting against these vultures, Bendy White. Perhaps you know their black hearts as well as I do.