The Coastal Fund Supports Local Native Plantings

Mon Dec 05, 2011 | 10:57am

This grant will support the growth and maintenance of native trees at the Devereux Greenhouse that will be planted at schools, parks, streets and other public areas in the Goleta Valley, as well as 8 student internships.

With Coastal Fund support, Goleta Valley Beautiful will hire part-time student interns to work in their local Green House. These interns will learn about seed and shoot collection techniques, and how to lead tree planting and care projects. Students will be introduced to organic methods of horticulture, including on-site composting, the use of liquid organic fertilizers delivered through the irrigation system, the use of worm castings as a soil supplement, and the use of organic soil. This project allows student interns to gain valuable professional experience managing the 2000-tree capacity Devereux Greenhouse and Growing Grounds.

The native trees are grown from local seed and shoots until the tree has experienced sufficient growth and can be planted in public areas around Goleta. Every year, Goleta Valley Beautiful volunteers plant approximately 500 trees in the public areas of Goleta Valley. Goleta Valley Beautiful hopes to receive other grants to support more public tree plantings.

These efforts will help improve coastal areas by reducing and purifying storm water

runoff, improving air quality, and sequestering carbon to reduce greenhouse gases. The use of seeds and shoots from local watersheds will support the survival of local genetic pools of native species throughout the central coast.

Coastal Fund is a student-funded, student-driven organization that serves to preserve, protect, and enhance the terrestrial and marine habitats associated with the UCSB shoreline. Since the fall of 1999, Coastal Fund has granted $1.68 million to over 417 projects.

For more information on projects and funding opportunities visit http://

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