Sharon Byrne has been a friend of mine long before she decided to run for office. I have always admired her acute intelligence and ability to analyze things without being sidetracked by emotions and appearances. And beyond that, the woman has courage. When Sharon has a point to make, she will not falter.
She has a good heart, a quick wit, and stamina well beyond the average human being. This is the type of woman we want to represent us in political office.
To be completely honest, Sharon and I don’t always agree on our politics. Nonetheless, I back her candidacy for Santa Barbara City Council 100 percent. I know Sharon will not sway to the enticing nature of political whims just for the vote of the constituency. She is one who will stand up and fight for things she believes in. She is not afraid to do her homework and speak her mind – with clarity, confidence, and integrity. And frankly, there are too few in office who don’t have hidden agendas or who haven’t compromised their ideals for the financial or political backing of special interest groups.
Sharon began her political journey because she was highly concerned about the safety of her own daughter and other children when the unbridled growth of legalized medical marijuana clinics impacted the local schools. It wasn’t the concept of legalized pot that bothered Sharon – it was the message we we’re sending our children and the increasingly easy access it gave them to this gateway drug that mobilized her. I like a candidate who begins their career with a noble cause, rather than a desire to be in the public limelight. It’s not money or name recognition that Sharon is after. It’s a better life for the residents of Santa Barbara.
I hope you agree. Because even if you don’t always see eye to eye with Sharon’s ideals, you can be sure she is running for City Council for the right reasons and that, if elected, she will put her heart and soul into it. That is the kind of representation I want.