Date: 6/20/2011 6:00 PM
Location: Goleta Valley Community Center
5679 Hollister Avenue
Goleta, California 93117
Notice of Available of and Public Hearing on the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Public Comment Period, Notice of Intent, to adopt A U.S. Department of Transportation Act Section 4(f) De Minimus Finding for the Las Vegas/San Pedro Creeks Capacity Improvement Project
Las Vegas/San Pedro Creeks Capacity Improvements Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration 4/13/11
Second Meeting – Public Hearing and Comment: The District is soliciting comments on the adequacy and completeness of the analysis and proposed mitigation measures described in the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (Draft MND). You may comment by providing testimony at the public hearing on June 20, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. at the Goleta Valley Community Center, 5679 Hollister Avenue, Goleta and/or submitting written or oral comments to Maureen Spencer identified below prior to the close of public comment on June 29, 2011 at 5:00 p.m.
How To Comment: Please provide comments to Maureen Spencer, Santa Barbara County Flood Control District, at 123 Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, PHONE 805-568-3440, FAX 805-568-3434 prior to the close of public comment on June 29, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. or provide testimony at the public hearing on the date and time speciifed above. Please limit comments to environmental issues such as traffic, biology, noise, etc. You will receive notice of the dates of future public hearings to consider project approval or denial.