On April 30th, the Rotary Club of Santa Barbara Sunrise (RCSBS) teamed-up with the Rotary Club of Santa Barbara North for a community service project at RCSBS Centennial Picnic Area at Elings Park. Approximately 30 Rotarians and volunteers rolled up their sleeves for a day of weeding, mulching, improving drainage and path borders. After all the rains, the weeds have been tamed and the area has been restored to its previous beauty and once again available for the community to enjoy.
Rotarian At Work Day started in 2006 as a joint effort between two Rotary Districts (one in California and one in Mexico) as a way of helping their local communities. The last Saturday in April has been designated for clubs to identify a hands-on local service project that members could participate in. These projects range from the Elings Park work day to cleaning graffiti in the lower west side of Santa Barbara, to planting trees, food drives, beach cleanup, maintenance and renovation projects, and more. There are currently more than eight countries world-wide involved in this Work Day – imagine the results from this one-day work effort when a potential 34,000 Rotary clubs around the world and close to 2 million Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Interactors come together to perform a variety of hands-on community service projects in their local community.
KEYT (Channel 3) was on hand to conduct interviews for their segment “What’s Right With Your Community” which appeared on TV, go to www.keyt.com for viewing.
Rotary Club of Santa Barbara Sunrise meets at 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday at the Santa Barbara Club, 1105 Chapala Street (www.clubrunner.ca/santabarbarasunrise).