Colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer related deaths in Santa Barbara County and the second leading in the United States. More than 60% of Americans over the age of 50 have never been screened for colon cancer, but it is often curable if detected early. To help address these issues, the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara is offering a free screening and informational event in Santa Barbara.
The Cancer Center of Santa Barbara hopes to raise widespread awareness of colon cancer and the importance of early detection through information and screening opportunities.
A healthcare provider will be available at each location to hand out information about colon cancer screenings as well as free take-home F.I.T. (Fecal Immunochemical Test) kits to those age 50 and over. The F.I.T. test can be done at home and once completed, individuals must return F.I.T.s in the provided envelope to the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara. Results will be given within two weeks of mailing in the test. Cancer Center staff will then inform individuals of their test results.