Titled in honor of the environmentally progressive leadership of former City Councilmember Roger Horton, the Fund for Santa Barbara launched the Roger Horton Prius Hypermileage Challenge as a fundraiser for their Clean/Green Energy Fund, supporting churches and nonprofits in their search for energy efficient technology and practices.
The Challenge, sponsored by Toyota of Santa Barbara, brought Prius owners together with detailed, instructive tips on how to achieve the best mileage per gallon (MPG) for their hybrid automobiles. Participants then chose to enroll in one of two challenges to test their new energy saving capabilities:
– Open Road Challenge: Test drive to Buellton
– City Course Challenge: Two weeks of usual city driving
After measuring and verifying the MPG results of each participant, the Prius Hypermileage Challenge team named the top three winners based on fuel efficiency in each challenge and presented them with “blatantly re-used” trophies at the Community Environmental Council’s Earth Day Celebration along with a check for $4,000 from the fundraiser to the Fund for Santa Barbara’s Clean/Green Energy Fund.