I am down here in Mexico again, on a small island off the coast of Cancun. Despite state department travel advisories where major shoot-outs have occurred between police and mafia, tourism is hopping. You can avoid the ruckus in Cancun by taking the collective bus straight from the airport to Puerto Juarez and staying put until your ticket home.
Since a couple of days after Christmas, I have been out of commission with a whopping grippa. I am using the downtime by making applications for my summer festival season, and catching up on some reading. I did negotiate re-starting this column just before leaving home, so now I have time to do so.
Do you have a little line that runs vertically between your life and mind line, pointing up into or towards the base of your pointer index finger? Palmists call this the Ambition Line. This line endows you with inner resources for independence, personal power, and the desire to succeed, according to Nikki Lynn Donnelly in “Language of the Hand…” (Hand Analysis Journal 2.2 [1993]: 3). If you have this line, you will probably go that extra mile to achieve a goal. This feels normal to you. If you do something, you want to in a way that brings honors as well.