Are we all asleep? Why say economy without mentioning war? We have more than 600 war facilities overseas sucking our resources. There is an important reason but it is hidden: Leading physical scientists have been, by global vote, given the “bridge” of our vessel.
Because religious leaders cannot escape suspicion of parochial favoritism, we, humanity 2.0, go along with the program, saying “Let’s just hold to being practical.” Assuming that humility (if not humanity) is pardonable, this has merit.
But every taboo has a price. Now science does not have to share the podium. Magic as well as religion are both taboo because whatever is magical is going to be kooky until okayed by Harvard. Woo-woo celebrities and priests are allowed to entertain us, but humanity’s blindfold stays right there, tonight on CNN.
A fall-back position for those of us who feel rebuffed by the taboo is not out of the question. Some of us are sure that candy is dandy but love is quicker. A tack made of brass has deep love in its metallic nature. Love was, formerly, an “idea.” Now, in 2010, it is a quantum, a phenomenon, a thing. A weeping mother in our personal computer is feeling the virus, the Botmaster. The way the Botmaster was defeated by counterhack intellectuals was to speed up the gait from “HQ” such that the Botmaster is always a little behind with His weasel-like heist plan. We opt, for mother’s sake, for unidirectional flow because truth (love) is adamant.
As soon as scientists adopt a quantum attitude regarding love, with the same objectivity that E (energy) gets, we will see a radical thrust in efficiency, a virtue scientists praise. From now on, love is a factor in every scientific equation, because love is the most exact science.
Speaking German, we say love is a “ding.”This refers to an actual substance here on earth. At the absolute limit of verbal expression is the familiar quotation “das ding an sich” which posits a physical world with unassailable raison d’etre, the thing-in-itself. In the 1940s, a song became popular whose chorus was, “What is this thing called love?” a challenge sleeping science did not deign to take up until 2010. In 2010, scientists were formally asked to investigate love as a quantum, a dingus, like God, only in your hand.