John Daly has recently chosen to share his expertise on social skills with juvenile offenders who have been sentenced by the State of California into rehabilitation programs. John has designed a completely new and revolutionary set of classes, The Key Class, which focus on teaching social etiquette for success in both personal and professional situations.
Through the classes, juvenile offenders are learning critical tools to enter previously restricted or foreign realms of job opportunities and college entrance. He focuses on techniques such as learning how to speak on a phone, shake a hand, look someone in the eye as you speak, eat a meal with manners, and gives pointers on appropriate grooming and body language; all of which make a difference in how someone is perceived in society and what level of success they can achieve. John’s classes are giving juvenile offenders the tools that will not only help them make a positive first impression, but are also an invaluable and long lasting set of skills that will enable them to achieve sustainable success, turn around their lives, and become valued and productive members of society.
John has reached out to the Santa Barbara Community with his mission and is currently holding one session of The Key Class in The Gap store on State Street. There he talks about what and what not to wear on interviews and assigns his students the the task of going through the store to put together an outfit that they would wear at a company that they would like to work for. He reviews their choices and either gives suggestions for improvement or encouragement for putting together the perfectly dressed outfit. In other classes he focuses on how to set a semi formal table, proper dining etiquette and social manners, how to master introductions, and gives applicable tips on how to ace a job interview.
John has also gotten local restaurants and establishments such as The Montecito Country Club, Via Maestra 42, Jill’s Place, and Arch Rock Fish to individually host and donate a formal dinner for each class’ final meeting, so that his students can put everything that they have learned into action for an evening. For many students this will be the first time that they have dined at such establishments. By facilitating this experience John is showing his students what is possible, he is exposing them to another way of life, and helping them to understand that they have the ability to create better options for themselves. Most importantly he is also showing them that someone cares, that they are valued, and through his infectiously optimistic spirit truly believes that they can succeed.
John is hoping to expand The Key Class into a state wide program and is working with local government agencies to begin realizing this goal. He has selected a prestigious and diverse group of people to serve on The Key Class board of directors which consists of: Shelly Schwab former president of MCA, Inc., Brent Baldwin, Esq., a certified Court Appointed Special Advocate for Santa Barbara County’s juvenile dependency system, Robert Jacquemin former corporate executive for DreamWorks SKG, Christine Schwab a fashion, beauty, and lifestyle expert and television personality, and Eduardo F. Cue director of Delinquency Prevention Programs with the Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse.
John Daly is the founding owner and creative force behind one of the most successful event planning businesses in the world. Throughout his incredible career John has been able to study the etiquette of different world cultures. Japan, France, Australia South Africa, India, and Korea are just a few of the countries that have hosted John to teach his expertise in his field of Special Events. What started as a hobby to understand different societies throughout the world ended up assisting John in the success of his event planning business.
Mr. Daly’s clients have included many Fortune 500 companies–Gillette, MasterCard, Land Rover, Rolls Royce, Credit Suisse, Citicorp, and Goldman Sachs as well as Hollywood entertainment companies such as KingWorld, CBS and Universal. He has created events for celebrities Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, Will and Jada Smith, Oprah and countless other Hollywood and Sports figures. For many years John has been a part of World Cup Soccer as well as The Olympics planning events surrounding their international festivities. Being an employer of many people throughout his career, Mr. Daly knows the importance of the positive interview process. His experience in interviewing, hiring and promoting his own staff as well as working with top level executives and celebrities in the business world have taught him the importance of the proper skills necessary to succeed. John Daly attributes his training in social skills as the key to his success with each of these endeavors.