Vote for My Husband

Sat Oct 30, 2010 | 05:30am

I am very frustrated by the highly partisan political environment both locally and nationally where it seems each party’s goal is to make the other fail, and forget about the citizens. When did it become okay to put political gamesmanship above doing what is right?

As the mother of an eight-year-old and the daughter of an 80-year-old, I care deeply about our children’s educational future, our economy, our environment as well as the need for financial security for our aged population. I worry about the national debt and the possibility of handing over this enormous debt to our children and grandchildren. This is not a legacy to be proud of.

As a child, I received an excellent public education and was able to go on to a UC college. It was affordable and attainable. Through hard work and study, I was able to get a good-paying job. I loved my job and when the opportunity arose, I was able to move to the best place in the world. This is the dream that I have for my child. This is the legacy that I want to be proud of.

I’ve always known that the people of Ventura and Santa Barbara counties are good, hard-working, and kind people. That’s why, when I was a kid, my family used to vacation here and, as an adult, I decided to make this my home. In the past year, I’ve had the opportunity to meet hundreds of people in our communities. With my son and my husband I’ve been knocking on doors, meeting people, and asking their opinions, listening to their stories and their concerns. This experience has given me an even greater appreciation for our neighbors. I believe that the people of our communities deserve a representative who is hard-working, who will listen to their concerns, and who will work for their best interests.

I am proudly supporting Tim Allison for Congress. Tim is my husband.

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