DOHA DOES INDY: When journalism professor Abe Peck took off to Doha, Qatar, to teach a class on magazines at Medill/Northwestern’s NU-Q campus, he brought a copy of The Indy along, and posed alongside this friendly hookah. He’s been reading the paper since he bought his home here 10 years ago, becoming a regular reader when he moved to town nearly three years ago. But Peck—who wrote Uncovering the Sixties: The Life and Times of the Underground Press—has long been a fan of “alties,” having set up the mid-career program for the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies when he was full-time at the Medill School of Journalism. He’s a fan of our arts coverage, our strong first-person pieces, and, of course, the Angry Poodle. Peck says the paper just might be his version of Flat Stanley, “the cardboard guy that my niece and a million other kids were bringing with them everywhere a couple of years ago.”