The newly formed Santa Barbara Police Foundation will be honoring police officers at their first annual “brunch With The Cops” on October 17 at the Biltmore Hotel. According to Chief Cam Sanchez “rather than choose a high profile honoree to celebrate and honor, we decided that those who serve and protect us every day are who we want to celebrate.”
The Santa Barbara Police Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) thereby allowing for tax-deductible contributions and gifts. The inaugural board consists of Police Chief Camerino Sanchez, John Britton, Frank Banales, Mario Borgatello, Paul Cashman, Bruce De La Cuadra, Richard Graham, Ralph Iannelli, Mike McGrew, Bill Pintard, Olivia Sanchez, David Shor and Joi Stephens.
The Santa Barbara Police Foundations’ mission is to aid the department to purchase the latest technology not addressed in the department’s budget to help officers maintain a safe community, to aid the families of police officers lost in the line of duty, and to aid police department family members who may need assistance with uncovered catastrophic health costs.
In addition to its annual Brunch With The Cops, the Foundation has partnered with the “Malcolm McDowell Celebrity Golf Classic” to be held March 17, 2011 at the Ojai Valley Inn & Spa as a second fundraiser to benefit the Foundation. Both events are open to the public.
In addition to the two annual fundraising events, the Foundation will solicit members from the business community by offering annual memberships to the organization. The Foundation will provide the business with a beautiful plaque they can display to the public along with their business name.
The board of directors of the Santa Barbara Police Foundation would like to invite members of the community to our “Brunch with the Cops” on October 17, 2010. Anyone interested in purchasing a table or learning more about this event may call: 963-8961. Come join Chief Cam Sanchez and his officers with this worthwhile cause!