Much has been said and written about the proposal to build an Islamic Center and mosque near “ground zero.” The arguments against it run the gamut from
1) Islam is a religion based on violence and all Muslims hate America and want to destroy us, to
2) It would amount to a victory lap for the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11, to
3) Although the First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, restrictions on that freedom should be self-imposed by and on the followers of one specific religion.
Let’s be clear on these points.
First, not all Muslims are terrorists any more than all Catholic priests are pedophiles.
Second, allowing the Islamic Center would demonstrate that America practices what it preaches and stands firm in opposition to the religious intolerance that is the hallmark of al-Qaeda and other extremists.
Third, and most importantly, this controversy is not about who they are, it’s about who we are. We either support and defend our Constitution and the Bill of Rights or we wave the white flag of surrender.
For freedom-loving Americans and for those who believe in the rule of law, surrender is not an option.