Criminal Defense and Immigration attorney Olivia Rodriguez was sworn in today as a member of the Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District Board of Directors. This is Director Rodriguez’s second term on the MTD Board, having served an earlier term from 2002 to 2005. She fills the vacancy caused by the untimely death of Board Director Sharon Anderson, in 2009.
Rodriguez is a long-time supporter of the Santa Barbara community. She worked in the Ventura County Office of the Public Defender from 2006 to 2007. From 2000 to 2005. Rodriguez was the loan officer for Women’s Economic Ventures. She is on the board of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and currently serves as a Teen Court judge for CADA.
Appointed by the Santa Barbara City Council, Rodriguez was sworn in at today’s board meeting by Chair Dave Davis, who welcomed her back to the board. “I am honored to be back on the MTD board because public transit is the future of our community,” said Ms. Rodriguez. “It is vital to so many here in Santa Barbara County.”
Olivia Rodriguez brings to MTD more than 20 years of service in the legal field and more than five years in finance with a nonprofit organization. She has served on many community-oriented boards and is the mother of three children.
The Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District (MTD), with its focus on passenger service, provides a reliable, safe, comfortable means of mobility to those who lack other transportation, including students, seniors, and individuals with disabilities. MTD also provides an attractive transportation option for commuters and shoppers who might otherwise drive a car. MTD provides more than 31,000 passenger trips each weekday resulting in 22,676 cars being left at home on weekdays. MTD provided more than 8,300,000 passenger trips last fiscal year. Santa Barbara is recognized as a transit intensive community and is ranked in the top 10 in the nation for per capita bus usage.
MTD operates North America’s largest fleet of 100 percent battery electric buses. Additionally, MTD was the first in California to operate its fleet of diesel and diesel-electric buses with a bio-diesel blend of fuel.